Dry skin in winter?

In winter many people suffer from dry skin due to low temperatures, contact with heating and stress. If this is your case, do not worry, in any month of the year you can make some yoga poses for healthy skin and looks spectacular.

According to information published in The Huffington Post, The yoga postures for a healthy skin, return the shine and youth to your body, by restoring the epidermis and preventing the problems of inflammation and blood circulation.

To encourage you to practice yoga, Ana Paula Domínguez, director of the Mexican Institute of Yoga, presents you some asanas that you can perform from the comfort of your home before sleeping or in the early morning:

Remember to combine a good diet and hydration to nourish your body naturally, without the use of chemical or surgical treatments. Remember that the skin is the largest organ of the body, so it is vital that you exercise to keep it toned. And you, are you ready to practice these yoga postures for healthy skin?

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