Make it part of your life!

Lactose intolerant? Canary seed milk is an excellent vegetable option if you no longer want suffer abdominal inflammation caused by dairy products; although it is not the only thing you can earn with this food.


A glass of canary seed milk (approximately 750 milliliters, which contains 5 tablespoons of canary seed) provides more protein than two or three kilograms of meat, "a study from Purdue University.


Make it part of your life!

However, its high protein value is not the only reason for you to consume canary seed milk, Some of the ones that may interest you are the following:


1. You eliminate liquids

According to Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon , canary seed has diuretic properties. Although its intake must be limited, since the excess can decrease the levels of sodium and potassium in the body, producing weakness.


2. Reduce inflammation

This food contains enzymes that contribute to inflammation of the organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and pancreas. They can also reduce body fat, not just the arteries.

Video Medicine: 30 SMART TRICKS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER (April 2024).