Anger is reduced with prayer

If you are a person that easily angry , because things do not go as you wanted and your bad mood stays for hours, you can reverse this situation with a sentence or positive thinking , revealed a study The University of Ohio , U.S.

According to the study, the calm that is obtained from a prayer and / or prayer is not due to the divine power invoked, but to the change that is generated in the way in which negative situations are interpreted.

About, Brad Bushman Co-author of the research, said: "We find that prayers, prayers or positive thoughts can really help people cope with their go to , probably by changing the way they see the events that made them angry and helping them to take it less personally. "

Religious beliefs, the frequency with which one attends a temple or church and the number of times a prayer is regularly done do not affect the results and the calm obtained when praying: "Which means that even someone who does not count with no religious affiliation, you can get the relief that a prayer or prayer provides, "Bushman said.

Two stages to analyze

In the first, the levels of go to , fatigue , depression and vigor of 53 university students, later they were asked to write an essay about an event that would have made them anger and they were told they would be evaluated by a partner. However, no trial was evaluated and all received a note that read: "This is one of the worst trials I've read."

After provoking his anger with the note, the researchers again measured their levels of tension , go to Y depression . Then they presented the case of a young student who had a strange case of Cancer and they were asked to pray or think about it.

The individuals who prayed for the good of the student proved to have released their go to in the following measurements, regarding the people who only thought about the student: "The effects found in these experiments were very broad, which suggests that the prayers could be a real way to calm the go to Y aggression ", he claimed Sander Koole , another of the researchers.