Lose abdominal fat with these exercises

The grease accumulated in the abdomen not only prevents having a stylized figure It also increases the risk of suffering heart disease , Mellitus diabetes or arterial hypertension . For this, to keep you in good physical condition you can make these exercises for reduce the fat abdominal .


According to a study published in International Journal of Obesity , the cardiovascular exercise combined with a diet balanced favors the lost of weight and at the same time decreases the size of the cells fats of the abdomen" .


Lose abdominal fat with these exercises

It is not easy to get rid of Abdominal fat , it is required weather Y tenacity . The book Physiology of exercise: energy, nutrition and human performance, by William D. McArdle and other authors, cites some activities that could help you

1. Elliptical machine. Is a cardio workout effective to burn grease , not just the abdomen also in other areas of your body . The movements you make from front to back, both in arms like in legs , at an average speed they raise the heart rate , favoring the loss of calories . For effective results it is recommended 50 to 60 minutes a day, five times a week.

2. Jogging. It's another activity cardiovascular that favors the burning of grease as indicated in the article published in the Spanish Journal of Cardiology. People with diabetes mellitus type 2 they lost around 50% of the grease abdominal and they increased 23% in the muscle mass when you practice this cardiovascular exercise 45 minutes twice a week for a year.

3. Waist torsion. Is a movement that helps you lose grease . Separate the feet across your shoulders, in a firm position, tour the trunk of the body slowly to the side and then to the other side. Take care that your hips , legs Y knees stand firm andfixed . Do it preferably in the mornings . You can do 40 to 60 movements at least three times to the week .

4. Walk It is a good measure in the fight against the loss of grease abdominal; for being a physical activity of moderate intensity it is recommended to invest at least 30 minutes a day with what you get to burn around 75 calories , explains an article Harvard Medical School.

5. Shrinks. Lie down on a rug on a flat surface; stretch the legs and put your hands behind your head; applying force with the abdomen lift the shoulders and slightly spread the torso at the same time lift Leg left , stay in that position for about 3 seconds and go back down. Do four sets of 15 repetitions on each side three to four times a week.

Various researches and coaches agree that the best way to to lose the grease accumulated in the abdomen is through the exercise cardiovascular . Ready to start your training!

Video Medicine: Workouts for Women : How to Lose Belly Fat with Exercises (April 2024).