Profile of bulimia

The food comes hand in hand with water and other liquids to keep the body in optimal condition. In addition to its physiological function, food serves as an activity to relax, but what happens if the food exceeds this purpose and becomes an endless nightmare?

The eating disorders They are very frequent especially now that the media insist on associating beauty and sexual attractiveness with being thin. These disorders start with bad eating habits until they get out of control.

A eating disorder which is very persistent is the bulimia nervosa . It affects the person by the repetitive patterns of overeating and then inducing vomiting. This is followed by continuous self-blame. This disease includes very aggressive and intense exercise sessions, diets and fasting.


Profile of bulimia

People with bulimia They stuff themselves with food, in order to have a feeling of well-being. The reason for eating is different for each individual, it can be because of work and conflicts related to school or simply a distorted image of oneself.

The bulimia nervosa It does not work on its own, it is accompanied by an uncontrollable need to exercise, in order to compensate for the additional intake of calories. If you have any change in your diet, it is best to go with an expert in health to advise you and have a better quality of life.

Video Medicine: Binge Eating: Psychological Profile of Binge Eaters (April 2024).