What does not kill you makes you stronger

Your partner ends with you, not even a month goes by and you already found out that he is already with another woman.

What did you see? What does she have that I do not? What does she give me that I did not give her? These and more questions bombard your head when they change you for another , but nothing will be useful if you want to move forward.

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You feel humiliated, displaced and sad ... these three "ingredients", although you do not believe it, will help you to live your grief and start to heal.


What does not kill you makes you stronger

Although at first you feel that you can not live without it, that nothing is worth it ... that today is a hell will be your glory in a short time and is super proven by scientists from Binghamton University.

They carried out studies with 5 thousand 700 women from 96 different countries who had been abandoned by their partners. The researchers noticed that they all resurfaced from their ashes much better than they had before: more self-confident, more mature and more radiant.

How is this possible? When they change you for another , many women are not afraid to live the grieving process and emerge with enormous strength, which in the long run allows them to better choose their future partner.

Remember: things go through something and someone better will come. So stop crying that there is much to celebrate. We assure you!


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