Learn to avoid onychophagia

Biting the nails is a very common habit in people, which can cause some health problems, especially in the teeth. The specialists comment that not only children suffer from it, but that a high percentage of people continue with this habit until adulthood.

Some doctors explain that biting the nails is a way to control the anxiety , which reigns in this current world.

The nails protect the fingers and are a tool to facilitate simple tasks such as taking an object, handling papers, opening packages, among others.

In addition, sometimes, its appearance is indicative of neatness and transmits a lot of information about us, ie, well-trimmed nails, with the right size and a healthy appearance indicate that the person cares about their hygiene and the image that he transmits to others.


Out of anxiety

Now, the habit of eating your nails is called Onychophagia , which translates as an automatic and addictive behavior related to psychological aspect.

The specialists agree that it is a way to alleviate the feeling of anxiety and insecurity, in the same way that other people eat, talk or smoke compulsively. It frequently affects nervous people, afraid of failure, perfectionists and who tend to worry excessively.

"Those who bite their nails think that doing something pleasant in a moment of anguish will reduce the anxious load, they look for an easy distraction", say the doctors.

This habit usually appears among children, after overcoming the pacifier stage; However, the Onychophagia can last after childhood, because the person has not found other alternative mechanisms to alleviate or counteract the moments of anxiety .

Health problems

All those who bite their nails agree on one thing: they can not control it, they do not realize when they do it and they have a hard time quitting. Actually, the Onychophagia it does not generate serious health problems, because it is above all an aesthetic problem. But, in the most persistent cases it can be harmful, by affecting:

  1. The mouth: The gesture of biting constantly can wear out the incisors (which are the most visible teeth) and spoil the enamel.
  2. The hands: Wounds can occur that can facilitate the entry of bacteria , virus or mushrooms causes of infections .
  3. Generates shame and anger in people, for not being able to control the compulsion

How can it be avoided?

There are different methods to quit this habit. In the most persistent cases it is possible to resort to psychological therapy, which will help the affected to modify their behavior, control the nerves, face the anxiety and break the habit.

The therapist can help identify what situations trigger the anxiety and to define alternatives to control it. They can also be useful exercises of relaxation and the meditation .

When it commonly occurs in children, it is important to talk to them. The importance of nails can be explained to them (for example, when playing sports or playing with friends).You can congratulate them when they manage not to bite them, but never reprimand them if they are not able to avoid it.

Experts mention that from the moment a person stops biting their nails, they do not "heal" until after about eight months. In addition, you must wait a month and a half longer to ensure the definitive abandonment of the habit. And you, do you have the habit of biting your nails?

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Video Medicine: Avoid Biting Your Nails - Good Habits for Kids | Ask Coley Health Tips| Educational Videos by Mocomi (May 2024).