Labor stress detonates infarction in women

A recent investigation published by the Harvard Medical School suggests that women with high stress are more likely to suffer a heart attack compared to those with low levels of tension .

The tension labor it is defined in a demanding job that offers limited opportunities for decision making or to use creative or individual skills.

The stress In the long term, the risk of heart disease , as explained by the cardiologist Joel Estrada in the following video:

The study carried out in more than 22 thousand women showed that insecurity, tension and precariousness at work are the main causes of heart attack , stroke and coronary angioplasty in women.

The specialists also found that women with high levels of nervousness They are 38% more likely to suffer a cardiovascular event.

To avoid the stress work, perform exercises of meditation in the office that allows you to clear your mind, in this way you take care of yourself Health and you do your work with greater enthusiasm. Good luck!

Video Medicine: Go Red For Women ™ presents: 'Just a Little Heart Attack' (April 2024).