Know it thoroughly!

The chia it is one of the foods that Mexico has proudly given to the world; They are edible seeds, which come from a plant native to mountainous areas of our country.

Although in recent dates it has become a novelty for consumers worried about their health, there is evidence that since 3 thousand 500 years A.C was known by our ancestors as an important food-medicine.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the nutritionist Carmen Haro , points out that for the Mayans it was, together with the corn , one of the basic crops used for food; the Aztecs used it as food for the warriors, source of energy for prolonged journeys and even had medicinal purposes.


Know it thoroughly!

With the passage of time, its consumption as part of the feeding The habit fell into oblivion and, until relatively recently, interest in chia resurfaced, largely due to its nutritional properties.

Approximately two tablespoons of chia provide: 139 calories, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of fiber.

As well as vitamins and minerals which include: Antioxidants (mainly flavonoids), iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids.

It is naturally gluten-free, so it can be consumed by people suffering from it Celiac Disease.


Protects your heart!

According to nutritionist Carmen Haro, she reveals some of the benefits of the chia seed. Know them!

Consume chia Usually as part of a healthy diet, it can help protect the health of the heart, since it helps to reduce certain risk factors such as blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and blood pressure .

Some of the nutrients present in chia seeds that help protect the health of your heart are:


  1. Fiber . The greater amount of fiber present in Chia seeds is soluble, which can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol.
  2. Antioxidants . Chia brings a good amount of antioxidants, mainly flavonoids, which can help protect the health of your heart.
  3. Vitamins of the B complex. The deficiency in the feeding of this group of vitamins favors the formation of plaque deposits in the arterial walls and increases the risk of cardiovascular affections.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids . This type of polyunsaturated fatty acids provides several benefits to help keep our heart healthy, such as: They help to lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, they can reduce blood pressure, they decrease the risk of arrhythmias and slow down the process of fat accumulation in the arteries.

The seeds of chia represent the vegetable source with the highest concentration of omega 3.

On the other hand, the mild flavor of the chia seeds favors its consumption, since it is easy to combine them with other foods without changing or affecting the original flavor. Some suggestions for use can be: flavor waters, salads, rice, pastries, breakfast cereals, yogurt.

The nutritional benefits of the seeds of chia they are the same regardless of whether they are consumed raw or cooked.

Considers that despite its multiple nutritional benefits, the seeds of chia they are not a medicine and their health benefits will be obtained only if they are consumed as part of a healthy diet that includes the greatest possible variety of foods of all groups.