Kate Hudson controversial when drinking pregnant

Websites around the world resumed the controversy of alcoholic fetal syndrome, after a photograph of the actress came to light Kate Hudson , currently pregnant, drinking a glass of Red wine while vacationing in Argentina.

It is known that drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a risk factor for developing fetal alcohol syndrome, since the components chemical can be passed to the baby via placenta and cause long-term complications such as learning difficulties, vision and low weight problems.


How much alcohol is allowed during pregnancy?

At present there are no determining studies that specify the amounts of alcohol that produce birth defects . This is because the organism of each future mother It is different and it processes the liquid in different ways. In addition to this factor is added the age, time and frequency of the intake of the drinks and the type of food that goes with the drinks.

Because there are so many factors at play, the only safe for the health of the fetus is the abstinence total alcohol or wine, since when going through the placenta there is the possibility that a large amount of alcohol is lodged in the body of the fetus and stay for a long time in your organism .


Another opinion

Dr. Ricki Pollycove health advisor for HuffPost, confirms his position on the essential thing that is to avoid alcohol early pregnancy , when the organs of the fetus are still in development. Confirming the existence of cases with fetal alcohol syndrome at this stage, regardless of how isolated the alcohol shots have been.

The specialist ensures that the longer the gestation period, a drink can be fine.

Obviously these are opinions, but it will always be better to consult with the treating doctor , who knows the pregnancy in detail, to resolve all doubts and obtain their approval.

Video Medicine: Kate Hudson C-Section Controversy! (May 2024).