As they see you, they treat you

How to improve self-esteem? If someone makes a comment about how well you look or the talents you have and invariably you usually blush or minimize your abilities, maybe it's not about modesty, but that you really think that there is no quality you have or for the that you should be recognized.

This speaks of the perception that you have of yourself, that is, of the way you look and think about yourself, as well as the image that you transmit to the outside world, but the most delicate thing is that it determines the way you treat yourself and consider

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The psychologist Mariana Rivera He explains that each individual is the main valuer of himself: "If you constantly criticize everything about yourself, you minimize your qualities or, in the worst case, you think that you do not have them, it is exactly what you are going to show outside; It also represents the attitude with which you are going to raise your dreams and how you are going to work with them, as well as the opportunities you obtain. "


As they see you, they treat you

The theme goes beyond a superficial look, it is not something that is arranged with a better outfit or to show sympathy to others, it is something more internal, that is, to respect yourself, to value what you know, think and have built spiritual and moral level.

When you manage to accept that you are a being like any other, with virtues and areas of opportunity to improve, you immediately change your attitude abroad.

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The specialist warns that a first step in your goal to strengthen your image is to make a fair balance of your personality, as well as what you want to convey, but not thinking about what you would like others to notice, but what you you wait for yourself

Distinguish very well between learning to love yourself and having a wrong view of you. No matter how hard you try to cheat, there are some signs that can help you locate yourself in reality, for example:


  1. If what you think about you, is far from what people see about you.
  2. If you do not feel comfortable with what you project.
  3. If you act to please others.
  4. If you try to impress others to get something in return or to be accepted.
  5. If you would prefer to stop doing what you do, but you feel obligated by the circumstances.

Accepting yourself and starting to look at you with real admiration and hope depends only on you. Take the next opportunity you have to stand in front of the mirror and observe yourself with respect, without judgments, change postures, make all kinds of gestures and once you feel free and relaxed, you will see that the image you have in front of you will radically change to observe you in all your splendor.