What are these disorders?

Love is a state that we all live at some time in our life. In this, our brain carries out a release of dopamine, which makes us experience a series of emotions: happiness, excitement and pleasure. However, love can also produce some disorders.

How many times do you think of him or her? Beyond the popular belief, employing more than 30% of your time (approximately four hours a day), thinking of that person is a sign that you are presenting a disorder product of love, as stated in an interview to GetQoralHealth , the Head of the Department of Neurobiology of the division of research in Neurology of the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente", Eduardo Calixto.

What are these disorders?

It is said that "love is a disease", and according to the expert Calixto this emotional state can lead to the following disorders. Discover them!

1. Addiction The perception of time and real needs is completely changed. The individual passes into the background, giving priority to the beloved. Here the most important thing is the desire to be close to who you love. There is a tolerance and dependence, from a pharmacological aspect.

2. Loss of attention. The memory processes decrease which cause the ability to reach logical conclusions to be lost quickly.

3. We become unreal and unreflective. A state of denial of reality is reached that is so great that intelligence capacity diminishes.

4. Obsession and compulsion. Generates a social change, you start to neglect professional or academic work, even going out or living with other people loses meaning.

Dr. Calixto points out that falling in love lasts only three years, then progresses to what he considers love of compassion. People must be aware that this state has a beginning and an end and that with each love experience the brain learns what is necessary so that in the future the damage is less.

Video Medicine: I Challenged My Eating Disorder for 30 Days (April 2024).