IPN creates treats with folic acid

Judith Sarai Granillo Cruz Y Abigail Velázquez Martínez , students of National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), developed a healthy candy , enriched with vitamins Y folic acid . In this regard, Granillo Cruz commented:

"We think of the folic acid because it is not only beneficial to reduce the risk of having a baby with spina bifida, anencephaly (malformation or lack of brain) and cleft lip, but also because it has great importance at the cellular level; intervenes in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids, necessary for the metabolism of proteins. "

The student of the IPN said that the folic acid also influences the formation of red blood cells s, as a coadjuvant in the prevention of prostate cancer , cervical Y cardiovascular problems It is also highly beneficial in the menopause , by favoring the levels of estrogen , keeps the skin healthy and prevents anemia ”.

For this reason, Granillo Cruz pointed out, they chose it to enrich the gummies that they will market under the name of Foli Gomix : "We had the possibility to add the folic acid and replace the saccharose or sugar for saccharin , which is a non-caloric sweetener, so the product can also be consumed by people with diabetes ", Clarified Velázquez Martínez.

In the market there are gummies enriched with certain vitamins , but it is not common for them to be added folic acid , so during the XI Meeting of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs organized by the Polytechnic Unit for Development and Business Competitiveness (UPDCE) of the IPN, Foli Gomix obtained the first place in the Manufacturing and Transformation category of the upper level.