Know the risks of technology abuse

According to information from the Mexican Psychoanalytic Association It is estimated that there are two million Mexicans addicted to the internet. In that sense, the dependence on digital articles is comparable to that of drugs or sex, indicates Elizabeth Ojeda Sánchez , pediatrician of the Tacuba General Hospital of ISSSTE .

Within the framework of VII Congress of the Mexican Association of Pediatrics "Meeting of health professionals, doctors, parents and teachers", the doctor points out that the excessive use of technologies digital communication has a negative impact on the social and professional relationships of adults, but also on the Emotional development of minors.

Ojeda Sánchez explains that when a person is connected more than four hours a day can cause the hobby to become addiction . In addition, children, adolescents and adults reflect similar negative behaviors to drug dependents.

"Addicts to new technologies become apathetic, they find it difficult to interact with their peers, they are insecure and they also reach get depressed ", Said the specialist in an article published by the newspaper Excelsior .


Childhood, a key factor

Ojeda Sánchez says that parents or those in the care of children should pay attention to the attitudes and behavior of children.

However, the lack of communication and the short time that children live with adults causes parents not to know what they are doing, who they talk to on the web and which pages they frequent.

Although new generations have grown up with technological devices, and today it is unlikely that an individual has no contact with them, it is important to control and measure the time that is provided.

Children who spend many hours in front of the television, on the computer, or playing through their mobile phone, will have learning problems.

They also denote fatigue and insomnia, because they interact with technological devices at all hours of the day and night.

When parents take their children to medical consultation, they have food and emotional problems, physical fatigue, among others.

As part of the treatment to combat addiction it is important that the affected person recognizes their problem and agrees to receive psychological therapies, where the appropriate use of technologies is promoted, the self esteem and it approaches sports and art.

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