Identify at what level you are!

Do you know how to express your feelings to others? In the theme of love you can find everything, that is, very generous people who give their time to change the lives of others, as well as those who are not willing to generate links with someone else.

Love is a feeling that improves the quality of life of people, because it highlights the virtues of each human being. Therefore, we present the following test to discover if you are stingy or splendid on the subject of the heart.

1.- How do you treat the people you love?
to) It depends on how they behave and your relationship with them.
b) With love.
c) You know that they are valuable and important people in your life, and although there are differences, you put this first.

2.- In terms of friendship and family relationships, how many could you say you have?
to) Few, but good.
b) Several.
c) Many, which mean everything to you.

3.- If there is a run of "fat cows", what do you do?
to) You get up to date with your financial commitments and the "few" but good affections you have, you choose the VIPs to give them a little detail.
b) Saneas finances, you buy something that you have always longed for and share in the pure style of low profile, with some privileged good news.
c) You dress as a fairy godmother, to the people you love and with whom you are grateful, you let her know the good streak and you fulfill one or another dream.

4.- If we asked people if they think you are affectionate or not, what would you say?
to) It all depends on who you ask ...
b) Yes you are, with your family and some friends.
c) That you are a kind and warm person with close people.

5.- In your relationships of affection, what is your policy?

to) In the pure style of poker players: As I see, I give.
b) "Not so much that it does not burn the saint, not so much that it does not shine."
c) It is not enough to want, you have to prove it with actions.


Identify at what level you are!

Majority of A: Make an effort for the people you love, that is, let them know how important they are in your life, cultivate your relationship with them and try to give, that is, make small actions that make a difference. It is always a good time to have a strong circle of support and start two that three smiles.

Majority of B: You know there are relationships that do not need your care so much, because they will love you because of the ties they share with you; nevertheless, it is necessary that you improve the way in which you cultivate your affections, to have a full emotional life and a rozagante heart.

Majority of C: It is good that you are like that, willing to give time, love and support to the people who are lucky enough to be on your list of affections; you give them splendid displays of love and details. Do not confuse the "corny" with the affectionate, and if you decide to be tremendously sweet is because you wanted.

Take care of yourself and do not lose sight of two important elements: reciprocity and loyalty, which in love issues, are good to have them under the spotlight. And you, how loving are you? "The principle of being patient is to start with oneself." If you want to know more information write to:

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Video Medicine: How To Quickly Identify Levels Of Support And Resistance (April 2024).