How to lose weight in the legs?

Thin and shapely legs are very attractive, but how to lose weight effectively?

Losing your body means that you will also lose weight in your legs, and that will make your legs look natural and healthy.

The legs, is one of the areas where fat accumulates most of the food consumed; If you want to show off healthy legs, it is necessary to eat well and exercise.


How to lose weight in the legs?

Women who accumulate fat in the legs, especially in the thighs and hips, need to do two types of exercises: aerobics and toning.

Aerobic exercises aim to burn fat, among them are: jumping, running, walking, cycling or swimming, are performed 3 times a week for 30 minutes or more.

If you want to slim your legs and burn fat effectively, just follow these steps.

1. Aerobic exercise

You must choose the exercise that is capable of burning fat and that you like. Do not forget to bring a towel to clean the sweat and a bottle of fresh water to hydrate the body while you exercise.

2. Movements to shape the thighs

It is done standing up, open your legs slightly and take your body to one side while you flex your leg and extend the other. Do 20 repetitions.

3. Tones the legs

Squats are the most recommended exercises for women; It tones the legs, the abdomen and the buttocks, in addition if it is done with weight it increases the muscular mass of the legs. Perform 20 repetitions.

Video Medicine: 5-Minute Thigh-Slimming Workout (May 2024).