How to do it correctly?

One of the main benefits of dry brushing the skin is that it helps to detoxify its superficial layer, as it eliminates dead cells and stimulates circulation to cause regeneration.

Therefore, dry brushing is one of the non-invasive techniques that are effective to reduce cellulite and promote the regeneration of your skin, particularly in areas where there is accumulated fat.


How to do it correctly?

You can eliminate cellulite quickly and safely with this technique of dry brushing, but to have good results, you must do it correctly.

In addition, you must take into account the following tips, both to prevent you from getting hurt, and to obtain better results, especially if you are a novice in dry brushing:

1. Ideally, do it before you bathe, to finish removing all the dead cells that the brush will help you to detach.

2. You can start with a brush with softer bristles, even one for baby, and with the passage of time you can use one with stronger bristles, although it should always be natural. A sponge can also serve you for this purpose.

3. Try that the brush is not bigger than the palm of your hand, so you can perform the technique well while attacking as much skin as possible.

4. Brushing is done with circular movements on the skin. It is important to avoid brushing the face and neck dry, as this skin is more sensitive and can suffer much damage; In the same way, try to avoid the area of ​​the breasts, because it is also sensitive.

5. To keep your brush in condition, you should only wash it once a week with water and antibacterial soap, and let it dry very well before using it again.

Dry brushing not only favors the superficial layer of the skin or epidermis, but because of its effects during massage, it can activate the circulation and lymphatic system, in addition, if performed in the abdominal area, it will allow you to stimulate your digestive system to a better elimination and, in that way, prevent constipation.

Video Medicine: 29 THINGS WE DO WRONG EVERY DAY (April 2024).