How does it prevent liver cancer?

Coffee is one of the most powerful drinks antioxidant , that is, it has chemical compounds that provide diverse benefits to our health, to the extent that it can protect you from liver cancer, says the doctor Ruth Pedroza, coordinator of Food Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the specialist mentions that the coffee Decaffeinated has a greater effect in reducing the risk of suffering diabetes type 2, liver cancer and in the regulation of blood glucose and insulin resistance.

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How does it prevent liver cancer?

Ruth Pedroza mentions that the coffee Decaffeinated has a greater effect in the reduction of these diseases due to its high level of antioxidants, that is, by not having caffeine, other powerful acids such as chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic and coumaric come into play to take care of your health.

These antioxidants they do not decompose, they are not deactivated and they remain intact even when they pass more than eight hours after their preparation or they are mixed with some milk or cream, explains the specialist.

On the other hand, in a study published in the magazine Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), it is suggested that the consumption of coffee reduces the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by up to 40%, which is the most common type of liver cancer.

The authors say that one of the reasons why it protects you is that coffee reduces the risk of developing diabetes , one of the main triggers of liver cancer.


Forget the myths and enjoy it!

The doctor Ruth Pedroza notes that there are multiple myths around the coffee which are often false and only prevent people from enjoying this healthy drink that improves alertness and concentration. Know them!


  1. It damages your stomach. People who because of some problem of bad habits or damage by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori They have damaged the gastric mucosa, but coffee has nothing to do with this, although they take it on an empty stomach.
  2. Dehydrates All the water it contains is counted in our hydration during the day, there is no scientific evidence to prove that the coffee causes dehydration.
  3. It generates addiction. People who can not live without coffee have to do with habits, rather than addiction.
  4. It produces osteoporosis . This disease is generated with age and the lack of hormones that fix calcium, so the consumption of coffee has nothing to do with this disease.
  5. Causes insomnia . Those people who are sensitive to caffeine may have an over stimulation that affects their rest, but regularly this drink does not influence the ability to sleep well.

To take full advantage of the benefits of coffee You can drink four cups of American coffee, which contain the 300 milligrams of caffeine recommended per day. If you want to drink more coffee, you can choose decaffeinated, with which you will not have consumption limit. And you, how many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

Video Medicine: Preventing Liver Cancer (May 2024).