Hot springs vs cellular inflammation

These waters come from layers underground of the Earth that are higher temperature , which are rich in different components minerals and allow their use in the therapy such as bathrooms, inhalations, irrigation, or heating, among others.

The benefits obtained in treatments with hot Springs , they do not depend exclusively on the element "water", but on a multiplicity of chemical, physical and biological stimuli.

The chemical effects are related to the substances that the water possesses, that when in contact with the skin , they go through osmosis to the bloodstream .

The physical effects are mainly due to the temperature , because it produces a vaso-dilatation peripheral, with which the oxygenation of the tissues in the treated area and release of substances. These substances have an effect anti inflammatory and soothing the pain , with muscle relaxation , promoting a sense of well-being.

In turn, each sector of the human body has internal, physiological reactions, which are their own, as a greater or lesser network of blood vessels , nervous reactions and chemical components of tissues .

The biological effects are produced by the action of "flora " and the "wildlifehydrothermal , composed of "macro" and "micro" organisms, in complex union. This is generically called "biogleas", and is composed of tens of thousands of different species.

According to the International Society of Hydrologic Medicine , one of these organizations, the group of "sulfobacteria ", It benefited skin human since it acted on the cell inflammation caused by micro-traumatisms .

These micro-traumatisms , repeated over time, are the origin of the aging cutaneous. The "biogleas" or "hydrothermal plankton increase the system of defense and repair of skin in the face of external aggressions, which cause aging and deterioration.

In addition, they exert a biological action on their vital functions, as in other organs and systems, which significantly and significantly improves the tonicity and smoothness of the skin .

Video Medicine: How To Detox Your Body (And Warning Signs That You Need To) (April 2024).