Help your mind ...

You lose everything! It is common that when leaving the house you can not find the keys or forget where the cell phone or handbag is, but is it possible to remedy this problem and why do things disappear when they are most needed? ?

According to a study of the Yale University, in the United States, the networks neuronal JanThe brain of middle-aged people have weaker connections and are activated with less intensity. This explains why it is hard to remember where the most common and used belongings of the daily life.


Help your mind ...

There are other factors how can they intervene in the memory; example, medications, stress and consumption of alcohol. However, it is not impossible to remedy this problem and find what has disappeared.
Here we offer you strategies to achieve it:

1. Mental image. When you put something somewhere, stop for a second to create a detailed image in the mind. To the brain it's easier to recreate images than words, so it's easier to remember where you left off what you're looking for.

2. That technology helps you. In accordance with Michael Solomon, author of the book How to Find Lost Objects, you can use the cell phone alarm for various uses; example, to remember an appointment.

3. Create a chain reaction. A trick to not forget things is to place them in a space or on something that sooner or later you must move.

Forgetting or losing things is a common thing to do, if you take into account that many must divide their time between responsibilities of home, work and school.

Remember, a good way to remedy it is through adequate rest and physical activity to help you release the stress and increase concentration. Beware!