Harvard reveals you infallible keys for a healthy change

Every year, countless people commit to being more healthy : lose several kilos; exercise every day; give up smoking. Unfortunately, replace Unhealthy behaviors for healthier ones, it's not easy, and many ambitious attempts often fall short, but it's more likely to be successful if you start by choosing the goal correct

The choice of a goal seems simple enough. If your clothes do not fit, you should make plans to lose those extra kilos, right? Not necessarily, says the doctor Edward Phillips, director and founder of the Institute of Lifestyles Medicine and assistant professor of Harvard Medical School and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

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You must focus on the objective that you are more likely to achieve, rather than the goal, that is, analyze what you must do to be successful in the short term and build a plan to reach goals more difficult.

Dr. Phillips, also editor of simple changes, great rewards: a practical and easy guide to a happy and healthy life, a Special Health Report of the Harvard Medical School, where it is recommended to find goals short term.

Look for sure success bets. For example, instead of saying "I'm going to drink more water and less soda, focus on buying a bottle of water and putting up signs to remind you to drink water.

You can also set your phone to sound a reminder about water or take small breaks in your drinking activities. Another technique that you can put into practice is the call SMART , simple changes, great rewards.

S  - Set a very specific goal. For example, "I am going to add a portion of fruit to my current daily diet."

M  - Find a way to measure progress. In the previous case, "I will start my efforts every day in my calendar."

TO  - Make sure it is achievable. Make sure you are physically to safely perform your goal. If not, aim for a smaller goal.

R  - Make sure it's realistic. Once again, choose the change you need most, such as quitting. Focus on an objective that is both important to you and comfortable at your fingertips.

T  - Adjustment of commitment time. Choose a start date and time: "Wednesday at breakfast, I will add frozen cranberries for cereal"; and the regular checking of dates: "I will check my registration every week and decide if I should make any changes in my routine to be successful." Establishing external commitments and deadlines is very useful.

I hope these tips lead you to success. Remember that little by little you can achieve your long-term goals without giving up trying. And you, how do you achieve your goals?

Video Medicine: 5 Ways To Be More Attractive According To Science (May 2024).