Colors that heal

A color can radically change your mood and influence how your day will be. The chromotherapy is the science that studies therapeutic effects of color frequencies. The proper use of color can have benefits antidepressants , stimulants Y regenerative .

The colors provide the vibration that is missing to certain areas of the body, through the energy of these. The chromotherapy or therapy with colors It is a method of harmonization and helps the natural healing of certain diseases.

Effects of colors

One of the most efficient ways to restore the balance of color in an organism is through the feeding . Fruits, vegetables and cereals receive most of their energy directly from the sunlight and the magnetism of the earth, in different degrees according to their natural qualities.

There are two types of colors: warm Y cold . The warm They have a stimulating, joyful and even exciting effect on the organism. The pathologies linked to these colors are those that lead the body to react with intensity and are mainly of character inflammatory . The cold colors They have a tranquility effect, they are sedative and in some cases depressing.


8 different colors to heal

  1. Red: It stimulates the circulation of the blood and calms our spirit
  2. Orange: Fight fatigue. Increase optimism
  3. Yellow: It is an energetic color that improves muscle tone and mind
  4. Green: It is a tranquilizing, sedative color, ideal for insomnia and nerves problems
  5. Blue: It has antiseptic properties. Provide peace and tranquility
  6. Violet: It is used to combat states of anguish or fear
  7. Purple: It has hypnotic properties
  8. Magenta: Increase blood pressure and combat states of sadness