Learn a little about the experience!

Many people have a hard time believing in themselves, which negatively impacts their physical and mental health, as this generates many problems at work, with family, couple and friends. One way to avoid it is to increase your self-esteem and follow these tips to overcome the problems.

To overcome the problems and improve your quality of life, you just have to trust yourself and respect your principles to achieve an emotional balance, as you explain in an interview to GetQoralHealth , Arie Schwartzman , Wellness specialist:

Learn a little about the experience!

Some time ago I was in a cafe sending emails and I observed the following experience: a customer enters the cafe and asks for a cappuccino to take away. The owner asks him to wait seated or outside and not to the side of the bar where waiters enter and leave. The customer gets upset and tells the owner, "... and if I want to wait standing here?"

The owner says, "You can not, it's written in the policies and you can read them on the wall on your right." The client, with a face of resignation and anger, sat down to wait for his coffee. This brief history reminded me of very important fundamental principles:


  1. Write the policies of your life, your business, your projects and your family.
  2. Exercise the policies that you have established for the different areas of your life
  3. Write what you will tolerate and what you will not tolerate (in other words, what is negotiable and what is not negotiable). It is very important to have a list of things that you are not willing to do
  4. If you have a coffee or a project, you set the rules. This applies to your family and other areas of your life

Do not forget that 80% of our problems come from personal rules that we break and that serve as a reminder of the reasons why we established these rules. And you, do you already have your policies ready to avoid problems? If you want to know more information about emotional balance click here and view: Your best version of you.