Habits that make your relationship unhappy

The coexistence daily may seem like a whole challenge because it implies adaptation Y respect . Relationships can become harsh with certain habits causing unhappiness with your partner , but what are these?


The problems of partner arise due to situations of coexistence or context Social and they manifest themselves by living together. It is important to know what the person expects when initiating the relationship during the engagement, before reaching the marriage ", He saysRubén Castellanos, clinical psychologist of Aarón Beck Psychology Center, Granada, Spain .

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Habits that make your relationship unhappy

In accordance with Kevin D. Arnold, president of the Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology , exist Actions Y customs how not to find spaces for privacy or to blame to partner of everything that can cause unhappiness in the relationship. These are some.

1. Selfishness Put personal interest first in the relationship is the cause of couples being unhappy , when living as a couple should mean share moments and decisions together; as well as Consult important issues.

2. Wanting to change the other. Make the other change , adjust our way of being and think leads to a true frustration that ends up wear away the relationship . The one that partner love does not mean they have to coincide in all , that difference can enrich the coexistence.

3. Grudge It is normal that the conflicts , for that reason the most successful way and amorous of solve them it's not charging revenge or revenge . Kevin D. Arnold suggests having the provision to give in, it's healthier to see them as the opportunity of to learn of the mistakes .  

4. Make him feel guilty. For justify any situation unpleasant or mistake it is easier to find a guilty , in this situation it is best to deal with the partner to fix the fact .

5. Overlook When those are running out intimate spaces , by pressures from day to day, which was at the beginning of relationship a distance is generated that ends up cool the relationship . The ideal is to continue enjoying of those moments of intimacy and do everything possible to set aside weather of quality at his side.

If we do efforts for change this type of habits or attitudes will not only encourage the respect of the couple, the happiness that could lead to relations more durable What do you think?


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