5 differences between obese and thin

People with obesity and overweight sometimes they fail slim down; a study of American Dietetic Association has shown that 38% recognize that they should eat best. However, there are people with a greater tendency to suffer obesity .

Steve Siebold, a former professional athlete and psychological coach, lists in his book "Muere gordo or Ponte firme", the differences between habits and thinking Between people thin and people with obesity and overweight .

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we tell you which are the main ones that help to become aware of the habits Unhealthy:

1. The candy of happiness. People thin eat to be healthy and have energy, while people obese or with overweight they relate food with happiness and they are tempted with all kinds of products that they see ahead.

2. To the rescue. The person with overweight She hopes that someone will rescue her from obesity and blames others for their condition. While the thin they know that they are the ones who must act, they are responsible for their own weight .

3. Diets do not work . For one person thin , people who do not work when they should do diet . As a person with overweight tends to be justified by saying that "the diet has not worked", so they do not blame themselves for having failed or disguise their lack of commitment .

4. It is good to be a happy chubby. People obese they live with a false illusion that gives them permission and justification to continue overeating . On the other hand, being realistic can provoke a lot emotional pain , but thin people can stop that behavior self-destructive .

5. I start on Monday. The thin He knows that day never comes. The person with overweight she deceives herself thinking that she can break the diet, Start again on Monday and eventually succeed. The thin, instead, he recognizes that it is a psychological trap and an excuse to overeat and maintain the obesity forever.

Be thin or obese is a choice , because no one is obligated to eat or to do exercise . Each one is 100% responsible for the image that looks in the mirror, which is the result of what is done each day, of the meals that are chosen and of the time that is dedicated to making exercise .

Video Medicine: Jade and Julie compare diets (April 2024).