Family influences children's mental health

Normally, the path between childhood and adolescence is considered a period of change, not only physically but also psychological . For this reason it is common for parents to consider "normal" some behaviors of their children and take them simply as part of this stage.

However, many of these attitudes and behaviors could be linked to some psychological problem.

According to the Health Secretary , in Mexico there are five million children who suffer from a psychological problem. Among those under 15 years of age, the main cause of external consultation is the Attention deficit disorder (TDA), characterized by impulsivity, lack of attention and hyperactivity, although not all children have the latter.

The following video explains what the condition and its causes consist of:

The treatment of TDA it will be multidisciplinary, that is, the paidosiquiatra and the neurologist will value the child, they will prescribe drugs if they require it; while the psychologist will help control symptoms through therapies.

Regarding adolescents, the main problem they present, and that is the cause of internment in psychiatric hospitals, is substance abuse. In a study of University of California , conducted by Repetti and colleagues, showed that young people whose parents had hostile, distant behaviors, seemed dissatisfied and did not show attachment to their children, tended to abuse the alcohol , the drug and the cigar .

Although there are psychological problems that can not be prevented, it is possible to avoid such harmful consumption, because the family environment has a great influence on psychological health.

That is, those parents who provide support and closeness to their children, without hostility, can avoid substance abuse when they reach adolescence.

The attitudes and behaviors of minors are not only matters of "age", but in some cases they are psychiatric disorders .

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Video Medicine: Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Families (April 2024).