Enjoy your benefits in the fall

This citrus fruit and typical of autumn is delicious and refreshing; contains a mixture of nutrients between flavonoids , Vitamin A and C , folic acid Y potassium . Its components are healthy, so we tell you what are the benefits of eating tangerines.


Scientists of the University of Western Ontario in Canada , they claim that the nobiletin , which is found in high concentrations in tangerine, prevents the obesity and offers protection against type 2 diabetes Y atherosclerosis " .


Enjoy your benefits in the fall

The tangerine It is an excellent source of vitamin C , antioxidant which helps to prevent the damage caused by free radicals, in this way it provides protection against various types of Cancer and infections . These are some of its proven benefits.

1. Cholesterol The properties to reduce the cholesterol of the blood is in the shell of tangerine . There is concentrated 20 times more the amount of compounds called polymethoxylated flavones than in the juice.


It is believed that these substances help metabolize better fats and triglycerides deposited in the liver "Says a study published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .

Researchers observed in hamsters that by feeding them with 1% of the antioxidants contained in the shell of tangerine (polymethoxylated flavones) its levels of cholesterol from 40 to 32%.

It also contains pectin , a fiber soluble that helps reduce the cholesterol bad in the blood.

To obtain their benefits, experts suggest preparing a tea with the shell. Let the skin dry, take care that the white part stays. In a cup of hot water add the skin and let stand for a few minutes. Drink it as water of time for a week.

2. Atherosclerosis. Researchers of the University of Western Ontario in Canada , confirm that the tangerine contains nobiletin , a flavonoid which is found in high doses in the white bark of the tangerines and is 10 times more powerful than naringenin to combat atherosclerosis .