Let's find the positive side of life

For decades it has been said that if you want to improve your life it is necessary to change your shape of think . This advice is perfectly reasonable, although in practice it could be ineffective if not accompanied by Actions for be more positive .

In interview for GetQoralHealth , Guadalupe Gómez Pezuela , certified director in Positive Psychology of the European Institute of Positive Psychology in Mexico , says that for be positive it is necessary to be aware that there are "good" and "bad" situations, but it depends on your attitude how you live

Although it is not always possible to see things in a positive Because of difficult situations, worries or violence, it is not advisable to remain in the pain , complain Y victimhood for many years . To have different results it is important to act to be better.


Let's find the positive side of life

The World Health Organization He affirms that when people live sad, angry or depressed they get sick more because they somatize the symptoms.

Guadalupe Gómez explains that in spite of how negative and obscure a situation may be, the challenge is search for the side positive of the lifetime . These simple and everyday actions can contribute to this.


1. Count blessings

Every day before going to bed write down three things that you appreciate. When you focus your attention on gratitude - for the good that you have - your organism and mind focuses on what is "right" to get out of what is "wrong". Apply: "I am doing to obtain these results".


2. You have the choice to decide

Being positive is necessary to be aware that you choose if you want to see a "sunny day or a polluted day". It's a matter of choosing what makes us feel good. Just think about how you handle emotions to get what you want.

The key is that you begin to control emotions and not let them control you. It is also responsible for your decisions and actions. It is not easy because it is something that we have not been taught.


3. Exit the complaint

When most of your conversations or most of the day you spend complaining, what you do is focus on the negative. If you notice, complaining does not change situations, nor does it improve the panorama.

For example, it is not appropriate to live in a marriage for many years and complain about how bad they are when nothing has been done to make the situation better.

In this example, the solution would not be divorce. If you love the person it is possible to find measures to work as a team. Living in the complaint and talking with friends about how bad it is is not going to change the solution.


4. Take advantage of time

Using time properly is a simple action that you can take advantage of every day. By having more free time you can do what you like most. You are also more productive, essential keys to improve your quality of life.

Guadalupe Gómez Pezuela stresses that if it is possible to be positive , even in the middle of chaos . It all depends on the attitude and the resilience to get ahead and strengthened of the adversity . What it is NOT possible to do is to remain in the pain , complain Y victimhood For severalyears .

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