Do you sleep little and eat after hours?

"They need hours a day", how many have not heard or expressed this phrase at some point in their lives. The labor requirements, education and daily life are increasingly demanding, which forces people to reduce their dream time and to change their feeding schedules.

However, beyond chronic fatigue, the decrease in sleep time Working at night or not eating at the right times can help the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

According to a study published by the magazine Current Biology , and effected by the Vanderbilt University , it was discovered that interrupting the circadian rhythm generates an insulin resistance in the organism, which causes an increase in body fat.

The circadian rhythm is the human biological clock that regulates the physiological functions of the organism, so that they follow a regular cycle that is repeated every 24 hours and coincides with the states of sleep and wakefulness.

This rhythm can be altered by such simple actions as traveling long distances or changing working hours; but decreasing sleep time can have profound effects not only on the weight of people and in the homeostasis of glucose, it can also cause the following symptoms:

1. Decreased concentration

2. Irritability.

3. Digestive disorders

4. Panic attack.

5. Cardiovascular diseases.

6. Depression.

According to the International Labor Organization , estimates that an employee will age prematurely five years for every 15 that remains during night work hours.

The ideal is to establish a routine that aligns with the biological schedule. Remember, in addition to a balanced diet and exercise, sleeping and eating at your hours can help you maintain good health. Beware.

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Video Medicine: I Decided to Sleep for 4 Hours a Day, See What Happened (May 2024).