Do you crave junk food too much?

Eating junk food in your diet, specifically that rich in fats and sugars, directly affects the circuits of the brain because when you stop eating it, it produces abstinence syndrome , according to researchers from the University of Montreal, Canada .

The study, applied in mice and published in International Journal of Obesity, shows that food rich in fats and sugars modifies brain activity and produces symptoms of anxiety and depression when you stop consuming it.

According to the researcher Stephanie Fulton , participant of the study, "The chemical products modified by the diet are associated with the depression ”.

The foregoing is related to associated neuroadaptations linked to the neurochemical and behavioral changes underlying the dopaminergic function.
That is, a change in diet causes Withdrawal symptoms and a greater sensitivity to stressful situations, which leads to a vicious cycle of poor nutrition, according to the Huffpost .

During the investigation, mice fed higher amounts of fats and sugars had higher levels of the CREB molecule, which is known to play a role in the production of dopamine in the brain.

The dopamine It helps to promote feelings of reward and is associated with the satisfaction and joy that comes from eating, especially certain types of foods, those rich in fats and sugars.

The depression and the cycle of negative behavior, detected in mice and that can be similarly reflected in humans, is directly related to the high levels of CREB, associated with an increased production of corticosterone, a hormone associated with stress explains the researcher.

Apparently, according to the results of the study, this behavior would not only affect those who suffer obesity . A thin person could also fall into that vicious circle of bad nutrition that leads to it. For this reason it is important to have a healthy diet low in fats and sugars.

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