Take charge of your life!

Did you know that when you do not love yourself , you are dissatisfied with life, with your environment, etc., you ill plus? This is not a theory. Science confirms that this is something real, since the immune system it is affected and gives rise to various chronic degenerative and terminal diseases.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth with Angie Devine , lecturer and who has a master's degree in Philosophy , points out that the key to human beings being healthy and in balance is that they purge their emotions, forgive and live to the maximum their present.

"Human beings tend to be very negative; When we have a stress or pain situation, we better ask smart questions for example, what is this for? . You have to remember that all experience is learning and has good and bad things, but that's life; we do not have to cling to anything. "

"For example, in a infidelity It hurts too much we can ask ourselves, who am I unfaithful to? That is, sometimes work or children absorb so much that they are things that displace the couple and does not apply; so it's a good time to reconsider. "


Take charge of your life!

According to Devine, the most important thing is that people take responsibility for their actions, that they learn from experience so as not to make the same mistakes again.

Devine and her husband, the doctor James Bourque Starr , they created the technique Amorology , which they define as a neoclassical philosophy, "a way of seeing, feeling and acting in life with the knowledge of the laws of nature that our wise ancestors knew, plus the most updated knowledge of science".

For the expert in health and well-being disease it is the result of a lack of love, compassion and passion for oneself: "People must understand that everything that is not resolved repeats itself, which gives rise to innumerable chronic degenerative diseases."

To give you the opportunity to improve your quality of life, GetQoralHealth invites you to the course The power of unconditional love , which will be given this Friday, January 31 at the house of the Comedians.

It is an intensive three-day course; the cost is 3 thousand pesos and for the first 3 people who are interested, we will give you 3 half scholarships, and give you the opportunity to change and feel good. More information in www.angiedevine.com or to telephones 49 84 51 67 and 56 61 25 27.