Detect if you suffer violence in the courtship

Violence in courtship is an asymmetric power relationship that a person exercises to control, hurt, humiliate or hit their partner. In some cases, individuals do not realize this situation and consider that aggressions are normal within the loving bond .

It is necessary that people learn to detect the signs of abuse, as well as the different phases of dating violence such as the accumulation of tension, the aggressive episode and the honeymoon (stage of forgiveness or repentance).

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Claudia Romero, Adviser of IMNUJER, explains the causes of physical violence:

Therefore, here we present the following test, which will help you define if you have a healthy relationship or violence, answer false or true to each question:

  1. We both decide what we want to do when we are together
  2. I begin to feel isolated from the friends I had before.
  3. My partner often criticizes my appearance
  4. If I want to participate in a school or social activity in the afternoon
  5. Without my partner, he / she does not object.
  6. I feel pressured to participate in sexual activities.
  7. I always try to please my partner, and I feel responsible if
  8. Things go wrong.
  9. My partner mocks me with malice and I am ashamed in front of my
  10. friends.
  11. My partner has hurt me physically, although he / she regretted it
  12. after.
  13. My feelings and wishes are important for my partner.
  14. My partner is very jealous.


If you answered true in questions 1, 4 and 9; and false in 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10, then your relationship is healthy. Answering false in a question where it should be true or vice versa, is a warning sign of a disrespectful relationship. If there are several warning signs, this indicates an abusive relationship. Answering true to the number 5 or 8 definitely indicates abuse.

How does violence begin in courtship?

The anthropologist Claudia Romero Hernández, adviser of the Coordination of the System of Units of Inmujeres of the DF , explains how violence begins in courtship:

Some warning signs of violence in the courtship are physical blows, threats, submission, persecution, rape, isolation and psychological controls.

To solve the situation, specialists recommend having an adequate communication with the people you trust (parents, siblings, friends), avoid being alone at home, at school or work and never allow physical aggression, if necessary go with the authorities to take action on the matter.

Do not forget that you are a person who deserves respect, so the first step to achieve it is to love yourself and not allow abuse that hurt you. You can also go with a specialist to help you overcome your fears and ye help increase your self esteem . And you, did you ever experience violence in the courtship?

Video Medicine: DATING v COURTSHIP (April 2024).