Social skills prevent bullying among children

The social skills Are the capabilities or specific social skills required to competently execute an interpersonal task. It is understood by skills a set of behaviors learned Among them are:

1. Basic skills of social interaction : smile and laugh, greet, presentations, favors, courtesy and kindness.

2. Conversational skills : initiate, maintain, finish and join conversations between two or group.

3. Skills related to feelings and emotions Express positive self-affirmations and emotions, receive emotions, defend your rights and opinions.

4. Skills to face and solve problems (cognitive and interpersonal): identify problems , search for solutions , anticipate consequences, choose and try a solution.

5. Skills to relate with adults : courtesy, conversation, solution problems and requests to an adult.

There are different problems in the development of social skills during the childhood and the imbalances that occur during adulthood, these problems are due to various factors present from home, the family , the school , the teachers , the social networks , the TV , unwanted company and others.

On the other hand, taking into account the other's point of view in the interactions can prevent violence , the bullying and, finally, allow the peaceful resolution of conflicts .

This perspective improves the acceptance social children , increases the choices and the number of attributes or positive grades they receive from their companions ; In addition, the number of rejections that they receive from their peers.

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Video Medicine: Bullying (April 2024).