Lose weight with pineapple

Its flavor and eccentric form have made the pineapple one of the favorite fruits of Mexicans. As for its properties, it has been shown to favor good digestion and weight loss, among other benefits:

1. It promotes a good digestion. It provides a good amount of soluble and insoluble fiber to the diet, so it helps to regularize the intestinal transit . In addition, it contains a substance called bromelain, which helps the proteins in food digest more easily.

2. Help take care of the line. A cup of chopped pineapple provides approximately 82 calories. In addition to allowing a good digestion , the fiber contributes to the feeling of fullness and fullness; coupled with this, it has diuretic properties, which prevents the retention of liquids.

3. It protects against the flu. Because pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, it is considered an important food for the immune system. It has been proven that one cup contributes 131% of the daily recommendation of said vitamin. Its juice has been shown to have mucolytic effect: it helps to dissolve mucus and phlegm in mild respiratory processes.

4. Prevents diseases . Studies have shown that the bromelain of pineapple has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and anticancer properties, so it contributes to the prevention of some chronic-degenerative diseases.

5. It contributes to the formation of collagen. The vitamin C contained in pineapple is of vital importance for the synthesis of collagen, a protein necessary for the structure and integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs and bones.

6. Source of vitamins and minerals. Pineapple is a good source of manganese, (1 cup provides 78% of the recommendation). It contains micronutrients such as pyridoxine and folic acid (vitamins of the B complex), copper and potassium.

To enjoy the benefits of pineapple, like a good digestion and weight loss, it is important to make sure to consume it when it is season, so that we can have all the necessary nutrients during the day.

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