Demi Lovato advises young people

Currently the eating disorders as the anorexy and the bulimia They are a serious problem that especially affects teenagers.

The anorexy nervous is characterized by the refusal to eat and make exercise excessive, and bulimia it is a condition that arises from the irresistible desire to overeat, followed by vomiting self induced or fast .

That is why the singer Demi lovato He thanked his fans for the support they gave him when he entered a center detoxification last year, and encouraged young girls to ask for help if they are dealing with similar problems.

According to information published in the Excelsior , in 2010 Lovato spent three months in a center treatment to deal with issues emotional Y physical . The singer and actress said that when she was eight years old she was intimidated at school by some people who caused her eating disorders , and even began to get injured in the arms.

"There are so many beautiful girls in this crowd that they do not know they are beautiful, but they are beautiful," said the interpreter. Skyscraper.

Also, on September 18, the original new production began National Geographic International : Obsession, bodies that scream. This series filmed in Latin America record the testimonies of people who suffer within their own body and try to find a way out.

The proposal is transmitted by NatGeo throughout Latin America, at 22 hours , and is composed of three episodes of one hour; It contains situations where the ideal of beauty, the concept of health and even death, are present.

The first chapter, entitled Anorexia and bulimia, had as its axis the eating disorders , diseases that afflict more than 70 million people around the world. Psychological factors , biological , sociocultural Y relatives They determine these afflictions, but the origin in each patient is personal and unique.

For the development of this episode, the actress and singer Anahí narrated the hell she lived for five years when she was sick of anorexy ; He let himself be enveloped by the fame and ideal of the perfect woman, but only when he got scared with his own image she recognized being sick and looked for help .

Shocking stories and touching stories will seek to explain what causes people to be trapped in disorders that lead to losing many lives around the world.

And you, are you worried about your physical appearance?