Benefits of caressing your children

Demonstrate affection to children is necessary, whether kisses, hugs or caresses, you help strengthen the bond father-son. But these demonstrations of affection have more physical, emotional and psychosocial benefits for both.

Transmitting the warmth of a hug to a baby gives a sense of protection, but it is estimated that during the first 5 years, children need these "apapachos".


Benefits of caressing your children

As a mom, it provides a sense of security, tranquility and well-being; but also:


1. You release stress

Both mom and baby, release stress and anxiety to have that physical contact. This also helps to strengthen the immune system because the whole organism works properly and supports emotional intelligence since baby.


2. It relaxes

When you caress your baby, your brain produces serotonin and oxytocin. These substances together provide a sense of happiness and tranquility, so you will sleep relaxed.

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