Benefits for your health

A flavor that has been popularized by its exotic touch and its promise of being nutritious is taro. In smoothies and drinks it takes a lilac-purple tone and here we tell you exactly what it is for.

Taro is a colocasia plant that produces a tuber, which is consumed mainly in France. This tuber must be washed and disinfected well, as well as cook well because they can be toxic, however it can be consumed in smoothies, soups and even fried.


Benefits for your health

Taro is great for regulating digestion, reducing blood sugar levels and preventing certain types of cancer. Also thanks to its high levels of vitamin A, C, E, B6 and folic acid, help improve your eyesight and immune system.

It has a high level of dietary fiber, a portion of taro root can give you up to 27% of the recommended daily intake, this fiber will help give volume to the bowel movement and therefore avoid problems of constipation.


Take care of your blood pressure