Baking Zucchini

When you suffer from digestive problems, you are likely to think twice before consuming any food due to the symptoms and discomforts caused by those that contain high levels of fats, irritants.

For this reason it is important to determine the type of food and consumption schedules. The dinner schedule, for example, is usually delicate if one thinks about the quantities and type of food to be consumed, since some cause difficulties to reconcile the dream , which prevents the optimal and necessary rest to start a new day.

Therefore, we recommend a light dinner option that helps prevent digestive problems and have a better rest:


Baking Zucchini

Ingredients 4 servings

2 grated zucchini
1 large potato
1 green or chopped red pepper
3/4 cup of All-Bran® Original crushed
1 chopped celery tooth
Oaxaca cheese crumbled
1/2 cup beaten egg
3 teaspoons of dill
Black pepper to taste


1.- Mix all the ingredients and let stand 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, mix again.

2.- In a baking mold, previously greased, add the mixture of ingredients and cover with aluminum foil.

3.- Bake at 200 degrees for 45 minutes or until well cooked.

4.- Serves hot

The gratin can be prepared the previous day or night; It is also a good choice as a side dish. If desired, after the gratin of zucchini, it is suggested to eat a portion of fruit.

If practicality is required and you do not have more than 5 minutes to prepare dinner, the best option is a high fiber cereal, skim milk and fruit, which to prevent digestive problems and enjoy their benefits at night.

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Video Medicine: Baking ZUCCHINI | Oven Fried ZUCCHINI - How to bake ZUCCHINI Recipe (May 2024).