Allergies defined by date of birth

The probability that a child will develop a food allergy could be related to the season of the year of his birth, according to a study published in March 2010 by the Journal of Epidemiology And Community Health.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the coordinator of UPAL, Paola Contreras, explains the food allergy in children:

Children whose first 3 months of gestation in the womb match the spring are more likely to develop food allergies , says a group of researchers from the University of Oulu in Finland.

To reach this conclusion, experts carried out a study conducted with 5 thousand 973 babies born between 2001 and 2006 in an area of ​​southeastern Finland. Of all the cases analyzed, 18% tested positive for food allergies before reaching 4 years of age.

Research says that food allergies They vary according to the month of birth . The allergic born in June and July are 5%, while in October and November they represent 10%.

Paola Contreras , coordinator of UPAL, also explains what are the care for allergy in children:

According to the study, approximately 11% of the children whose eleventh week of gestation in the maternal uterus happened in the months of April or May are prone to the development of food allergies compared to a rate of 6% of children who reached that state of fetal development between December and January .

When they defined this study to specific allergens, the specialists detected that a minor was three times more likely to develop allergies to milk and eggs when the first trimester of pregnancy maternally concluded in April or May that those whose first three months of fetal development coincided with the months of November or December.

Previous research had already shown that children born during the autumn or the winter are more likely to suffer from eczema and respiratory problems , since they have a greater nlevel of antibodies in circulation to allergens that children born in spring or summer.

This type of reaction is due to the fact that the fetus begins to produce antibodies to the allergens approximately during the eleventh week of development, and antibodies to specific allergens at approximately 24 weeks, the study said.

Source: EFE

Video Medicine: Medical Conditions & Treatments : Symptoms of Shellfish Allergies (April 2024).