Alcoholism is generated at any age

The alcoholism is a disease progressive and fatal, which affects both the individual who suffers and the people around him. This addiction can be generated from 12 to 90 years of age.

In addition, there are cases in which disease it can develop in people of advanced age, that is, an individual can live his adolescence without trying alcohol or only consume it sporadically, and reach adulthood or his old age to become a alcoholic .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the psychologist, Jessica Paredes Durán, Tells us what the types of drinkers are:

According to information published by Angeles Hospitals , there are two types of alcoholism :

  1. Genetic: They are the people who start drinking since adolescence and who generally develop the alcoholism towards 25 or 30 years of age.
  2. Environmental or late: They are the individuals that the first 30 years of life do not suffer from alcoholism and then for reasons of work, their environment or existential conditions develop the disease . This type is very typical for retirees, pensioners, widows, etc.

The specialists point out that it can not be assured that alcoholism is hereditary, because if this were true it could be determined which of the children of an alcoholic will be also.

However, there is a genetically determined predisposition, so that children of alcoholics are 25% more likely to tend towards this disease , that individuals who do not come from a family with this condition.

Remember that the best way to prevent alcoholism It is through education and information.

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