Actress Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79 years of age

Give me Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor , American actress and star of films like "Cleopatra" he died at age 79 in the City of Los Angeles, California, due to a heart failure .

Doctors told CNN reporters that Taylor had entered the hospital 6 weeks earlier due to a bad heart I suffered years ago. The actress died in the company of her children Michael and Chritopher Wilding, Liza Todd and Maria Burton.

Taylor suffered from heart conditions for years and was operated in 2009 from a cardiac leak He suffered from pneumonias throughout his life, hip operations and even a brain tumor benign removed in the nineties.

The actress was a recognized star of Hollywood and it appeared on thousands of magazine covers. His life was full of controversy, where his 8 marriages played an important role in media coverage.

Elizabeth Taylor was the first celebrity that in 1983 entered the Betty Ford Center Rehabilitation Center to fight against their addiction to alcohol and analgesics. "I could take everything on the table and not be drunk. My capacity was terrifying "Taylor declared in the eighties.

Here is a video of the news of the Spanish radio station RTVE:

Source: Wall Street Journal and CNN