Abdominal obesity trigger of diabetes

The obesity in the abdomen it is a risk for health, since not only is it about excess weight, but a problem of distribution of the fat that lodges in the organs inside the abdominal cavity, which is reflected in an excess of adipose tissue (the so-called "apple body"), most likely related to the development of metabolic problems, myocardial infarction and alterations in the levels of cholesterol , that lead to suffer diabetes .

In this regard, the doctor Jorge Escobedo de la Peña , head of the Clinical Epidemiology Research Unit of the Regional General Hospital (HGR) number 1 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), noted that in Mexico, the measure to know the Android obesity (abdominal) is provided by the International Diabetes Federation.

According to this indicator, men should have, at most, 90 centimeters of waist; the women, 80 centimeters. Although this measurement is simple to carry out, it is recommended that it be the health personnel of the Family Medicine Units (UMF) who carry it out.

Escobedo de la Peña, said that there is another type of obesity , the type ginoid or the "pear body", in which excess fat is concentrated mainly in the lower part of the body; that is, in the abdomen, thighs and legs. The organs that are most affected are the kidneys, the uterus and the bladder, and are likely to appear in the legs as varicose veins, swelling, circulatory problems and excessive tiredness. Even so, it is more dangerous abdominal obesity , as it results in diseases degenerative chronicles .

Obesity, a problem for everyone

On the other hand, Martha Leticia Martínez Viveros , coordinator of Nutrition Programs of PrevenIMSS , said that with the strengthening of correct nutrition promotion actions, simple water consumption and daily physical activity practice, the IMSS combats the overweight , obesity and its complications, while complying with the National Agreement for Food Health, Strategy Against Overweight and Obesity.

Nutritionist Martinez Viveros said that although it seems simple, the challenge is enormous and a responsibility committed to the participation of all health personnel, an institutional effort that is also carried to schools and companies. He emphasized that it is the parents' responsibility to take their children to the preventive medicine services of the Family Medicine Units (UMF):

"All this in order that the specialists of the IMSS determine if the minor attends with a state of normal nutrition, overweight or obesity and receive the necessary guidance to incorporate the measures of nutrition and physical activity that must be carried out to ensure the good health of the infant. "

Video Medicine: Insulin, Insulin Resistance & Belly Fat: SIMPLIFIED (May 2024).