5 complications of allergic rhinitis!

In Mexico, between 17 and 20% of the population suffers from allergic rhinitis, while 5% of the inhabitants of the world register an allergic disease to pollen, trees, plants, fungi and mites, notes the otolaryngologist, Eduardo Desentis Vargas.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , specialist in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery, details that allergic rhinitis is a specific inflammation of the nasal mucosa and is recorded in patients who are allergic, either from childhood or adulthood.

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5 complications of allergic rhinitis!

This disease is immunogenic, that is, because of its genetic load can develop allergy, accompanies the patient throughout his life, so it is important to take a treatment that improves their quality of life and reduce complications such as:


  1. Breathing through the mouth
  2. Respiratory disorders
  3. Recurrent respiratory infections
  4. Pharyngitis
  5. Tonsillitis

A person may realize that they have allergic rhinitis when they have permanent nasal obstruction, and it is most noticeable when they are exposed to an allergen such as dust.

In addition, it can be complemented with other common symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as, itching (nasal itching), clear mucus discharge (anterior rhinorrhea) and repetitive sneezing.

Normally, these discomforts occur in the morning, but can accompany the patient throughout the day, causing drowsiness, lack of concentration, irritability and chronic fatigue.


Habits that promote rhinitis

Atopic patients are distinguished because their immune or defense system manifests differently to a healthy individual.

"When people with rhinitis are facing the factors that cause them discomfort such as allergens (particles that are in the environment), they react more violently," says Eduardo Desentis.

Therefore, it is important to avoid some habits such as staying in places where there is a high concentration of airborne particles (contamination), areas with intense foliage, exposure to dust at home or work.

The specialist recommends that as soon as the person identifies some type of allergy or starts with the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, go with an allergist or otorhinolaryngologists to provide an adequate treatment and avoid self-medication.

Video Medicine: Cold or Allergy? (April 2024).