Therefore, it is very important that you retire after a maximum of 10 hours. But what do you do if you keep a tampon stuck?

There are certain alternatives to make more practical those days that women spend each month. Some use sanitary napkins, others menstrual cup and others, they find it more comfortable to use tampons , but, what to do if you get stuck ?

According to studies published by The National Institute of Health, leaving a tampon for more than 12 hours could cause Toxic Shock Syndrome. A condition that is caused by a bacteria called strep; This is directly related to the absorption and oxygenation that the buffer allows in that area.


Therefore, it is very important that you retire after a maximum of 10 hours. But, What do you do if you get stuck a tampon?


  • Relax, if you are stressed or nervous about the situation, the muscles of the vagina become tense and it is more difficult to remove it.
  • Wash your hands, it is essential that your hands are clean to avoid polluting the area.
  • Try to get to the rope, otherwise, if you take the buffer from the end, you could enter it more.
  • If you can not find the rope, stand in a squatting position; This pose could help the object lower more and you could find it more easily.
  • If in spite of this, you can not detect the cord, or remove the tampon, it is better to consult your doctor.
  • For nothing in the world to introduce anything to your vagina, you could hurt yourself or cause an infection.


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You must not panic, when you have a stuck tampon , the most important thing is to act on time but calmly; If you fail to remove it, the doctor will surely do so and avoid complications from your health.

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