Drug addiction for experiencing new experiences

The consumption of drug begins at younger and younger ages and it is known that those who do it for the first time experience a sensation of happiness , but they ignore that the addiction It will make this kind of temporary pleasurable feelings turn into the opposite, says Carlos Tena Tamayo, commissioner of the National Council against Addictions (CONADIC).

According to information published in excelsior.com.mx, this is due to a biological reason: the brain stop producing dopamine -Substance responsible for pleasure , before the excess of the same, generated by the consumption of drug . Therefore, the addict requires his drug to get a little bit of dopamine and, thus, achieve a more or less bearable life.

Among the risk agents that come to favor the addiction is the social environment of the individual (friends that surround him) and family (the example given at home). In addition, studies show that there are genetic factors that influence the development of addictions , says the head of CONADIC.

As regards the teenagers Y young boys , this group goes through a process that motivates him to experiment new experiences , including those related to sexuality and the drug , as well as certain sensitive moments to fall into a addiction :

1. Change of school 2. Moving from home 3. Transition by divorce of parents 4. Desire to do things risky 5. Pressure of the friends 6. Need to improve theself esteem .

According to CONADIC, the Addictive substances most common in Mexico are:

1. Alcohol : it is socially the most accepted.2. Marijuana : it is more used by young students. 3. Cocaine : the upper and lower middle classes consume it equally.4. Inhalables : thinner and turpentine, popular in lower classes.5. Design drugs , used by minors.

By regions:

1. North : heroin and synthetic narcotics (acids).2. Center and south : marijuana and cocaine.

Therefore, according to specialists, the best way to prevent new generations from becoming addicts is the prevention : work at an early age, strengthen the ability to make responsible decisions, inform them and prepare them to resist social pressure .  

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