7 tips to improve your emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman, psychologist and founder of the Emotional Intelligence Services and the Collaborative Program for Social and Emotional Learning at Yale University, It indicates that emotional intelligence is the ability of people to recognize their own feelings and those of others.

The specialist suggests that the mastery of emotions and self-knowledge allows people not only to achieve success, but also to improve their relationships whether in the context of love or society.

Thus GetQoralHealth presents seven tips that will help you improve your emotional intelligence. Try it!

1. Emotional awareness Recognize your emotions and your faults, as well as your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Self-control It is the ability to properly handle emotions and impulses that can be harmful.

3. Reliability Always try to be honest and integral with yourself.

4. Commitment. It is essential to achieve your goals and this should start from you.

5. Understanding of others. It is having the ability to capture and respect the feelings and views of others and actively interested in their things.

6. Communication. Just as it is important to send messages to maintain clarity in a couple, it is also meaningful to listen to the other. Remember, it is an essential part of the communication mechanism.

7. Establish links. Feeding the relationships that directly and positively influence your life should be basic. Never forget!

Improving and maintaining your emotional intelligence can help you face various obstacles and decisions in your life. Follow these simple tips and improve all aspects of your existence. Enjoy and love!

Video Medicine: 6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence | Ramona Hacker | TEDxTUM (April 2024).