7 tips to avoid injuries in runners

Incur in injuries It can be one of the biggest nightmares of many runners, so it is very important to take special care along the way. Many factors contribute to injuries, but there are many ways to prevent them . These are some:


  • Heating . The general rule in any kind of training it is first the warming. Doing so gives your body an opportunity to prepare for work and reduces the likelihood of injury. Before a race, release your legs , walk for a few minutes, and do some stretching . Similarly, the cooling at the end of the race it is important to reduce the Muscle pain . Do this at the end of your session exercises with a fast walk or slow march. Next, stretch.
  • Avoid over training. The safest way to incur injuries is to overwork your body. Unfortunately, many runners, in an attempt to increase distance and intensity too soon, push their body beyond their capacity and thus they put themselves at a great risk of injury. Two things that you need to remember. One, increase the weekly mileage should not be higher than 10%. Two, the accumulation of speed It is a gradual process. The next time you want to go farther and faster, ask if your body is capable of the demands and use your common sense.


Very important to rest the muscles

  • Take breaks . This is especially important if you feel pain in their muscles or he is too tired. A day or two to stop exercising is better than subjecting your weary body to the possibility of injury. Listen to your body and take note of pain.
  • Wear good shoes . You know you need to replace your shoes when they have reached about 500 kilometers. By then, your absorption of impacts It has degraded and its soles have worn out, making them unsafe to run.
  • Change the concrete surfaces. They are not only hard, they are not very good either shock absorbers . Instead, run in the grass or in some soft surface . This puts less pressure on your legs. Also, avoid going up and down to prevent stress on your feet.
  • Perform cross training activities. The purpose of cross training is to develop and Strengthen muscles through other physical means, such as swimming , cycling Y trekking . It is better to incorporate cross training activities into your program at least once a week. Remember that these cross-training activities They improve their resistance.
  • Observe the rehabilitation measures if an injury is suspected . Prevent injury complications accelerates the process of Recovery . You can give yourself a massage and cold therapy to alleviate a minor injury. For more serious cases, consult a doctor immediately. To prevent injuries , do not run again unless you are completely recovered .

Video Medicine: Tips for preventing injuries during training | Norton Sports Health (May 2024).