7 tips for your job growth

An investigation of the University School of Business Studies of the Complutense University of Madrid , suggests that companies look more frequently for valuable people, that is, those who have initiative, who are prepared, and who know how to move forward as a team. And therefore, they avoid selfish people, who need to attract attention, or who are not compatible with other colleagues in the area. To achieve your job growth, GetQoralHealth suggests these tips

1. We must be highly qualified for the position we request. We must update ourselves at all times about the affairs of the office or work with the purpose of not being "unarmed" in future problems.

2. Have knowledge related to the factors of success of the company. Besides that this is key and share it with the other team members.

3. You must demonstrate great reliability in the activities that concern you.

4. Avoid that all responsibilities are totally dependent on you. Since in any threat in the area of work , if 100% of your person depends, it will be attributed to you if it does not come out correctly.

5. Have an entrepreneurial attitude and put aside selfishness.

6. Clearly define your priorities in life and objectives in terms of career .

7. Maintain a balanced performance. That is, have a good pace of work excluding faults, excuses and poor performance.

Success or failure in the workplace is in your hands. Choose the one that brings you more stability or rewards, always keep in mind the search for success in all aspects of your life. For more information visit www.sermexico.org.mx

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Video Medicine: 7 TIPS FOR YOUR CAREER GROWTH (May 2024).