7 reasons to be single

Today is the day of Valentine's Day and it seems that having a partner is the only way to have a good time. However, being alone has many benefits for you Physical Health and emotional Recent studies have shown that single people are happier and less stressed. In addition, in the case of women, they have a better figure and a stable weight because they have time to dedicate themselves. GetQoralHealth It tells you why being alone on these dates has its benefits.

1. Think only of you: If something transcendent happens in your life as a job opportunity, a change of residence, a sudden trip, etc., the decision will have to be made by you alone, without the need to consider other opinions. Remember that important changes only affect you and you should never leave a great opportunity for someone else.

2. Freedom: This is one of the most powerful reasons to be single. You are free to do what you want, cut your hair, go out with your friends, dress to your liking, change your mind at any time, sleep all the time, watch your favorite movie, go to the gym and the list can continue to grow until it becomes infinite Wow!

3. Be yourself: They say that one of the pleasures of having a relationship is finding someone with whom you can always be yourself. Whether we want it or not when you are with someone, you change your tastes and even your outlook on life. If you are only you will not have to meet anyone's needs, more than yours.

4. Free sex: you can have sex and to experience new sensations with whoever you want, always with the necessary caution, something that people with a stable partner can not do (well, at least that's the idea).

5. Flirt without guilt: Then go partying and flirt with that girl or boy you had seen long ago, ask her for her phone, talk, dance and if you can do something else. Sure you will have a great time. Meeting new people is always rewarding.

6. Exercise: having a partner implies time, when you are alone you can organize it according to the things you want to do. Why not invest a little time to get fit and improve your health? Playing sports makes you look better physically, improves your mood and makes you happy. More reasons? Sure in the gym you will meet new friends.

7. Be spontaneous: When you are single, there is more opportunity to do things without planning, going on a trip, going to the movies after work or simply if you feel like walking through the park without any problem.

There are many benefits of being alone. Enjoy them! Soon the right person will arrive for you. Happy Valentines Day!

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