5 tips to have greater mental clarity

Throughout life there will always be obstacles to face and goals to be achieved, but how to achieve a balance that allows you not only to live fully but to achieve happiness in all aspects of your existence.

In accordance with Terry Patten , creator of the program Integral Life Practice, This can be achieved through a mental clarity that will help you make better decisions in personal and professional life.

To achieve this, Patten offers five tips:

1. Perform aerobic physical exercise every day.

2. A balanced diet rich in nutrients.

3. Sleep well.

4. Do an activity that allows you meditation.

5. Keep a diary where you write down every day what you liked the most and what bothered you.

A poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle and stress are the three factors that influence the emotional imbalance and, consequently, the lack of happiness of many people.

Remember that happiness and profound changes in your life can only start from someone: from yourself. You are the only one who has the power to alter the circumstances and how you face them.

The Terry's Integral Program It is a system that proposes the development of physical health, spiritual awareness, emotional balance, mental clarity, relational joy and even your level of energy. An option that can help you achieve your goals.

Video Medicine: How to Unlock Your Brain Capacity (April 2024).